Thursday, August 21, 2008


Man I am becoming as bad as my sister on the new post stalling. (j/k Michelle-don't hurt me) I have been busy with...oh who am I kidding, I have been trying to get through Breaking Dawn...and having a hard time of it. This one is dragging for me. Anywho I am sitting up in my room--my very quiet room--being so thankful that school is back in. Not that I don't love my kids to pieces...but after 3 months of non-stop chattering and bickering and begging for snacks and looking for something to do, I'm kinda ready for some down time. Kaycee started school on Tue because she is now in 7th grade and they wanted the 7th graders to go a day earlier then the bigger (aka-meaner) kids so that they could get their barrings a little bit. I am such a paranoid mother worrying that she will find all her class rooms ok and worrying that she can open the combination on her locker ok and worrying that she might get picked on or teased by some stupid popular "valley girl" and worrying get the picture? She really liked her first day and was ready for today when she would be there with the bigger kids. When the bus picked her up on Tue, she looked so lonely in that big ol' bus, seeing as how she was the ONLY kid on the whole darn thing.
Haley and Sydney started school yesterday and both were so excited. Haley was lucky enough to get the "coolest" teacher in elementary school. Mr B is so popular because everything in his class is tied to Harry Potter and because he throws mini-marshmallows at you and lets you eat treats and chew gum in his class. I would have wanted him too in 4th grade. Sydney has a really great teacher and one of her very best friends in the class with her. I sure hope she enjoys this year. She is my one that is always struggling a little bit with school. She seems to have a hard time staying focused on anything for a long period of time. Jason says he was like that too so maybe she inherited that...thanks babe! (j/k honey--don't hurt me)

Camrie is going in to take her kindergarten assessment test today. I am not worried about her at all. She is a very smart kid. She not only knows all her letters going into kindergarten (which Sydney did not) but she is reading pretty well also. She can sound out any word given enough time. She still likes to have me be with her all the time but i don't think she will have a hard time adjusting to being away from me at school for 3 hours a day. She has 3 very good friends in her class so I know she is excited about that. I can't believe that I am at the stage where all of my kids are in school. This was a long time coming and I am so looking forward to some quiet me time everyday.

Maybe I will eventually get through Breaking Dawn.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of people are going to hurt you babe! Are these the cutest girls int he world or what?!

Anonymous said...

By the way, that was your wonderful husband that left the first comment...make that the first two must be boring today.

Loni said...

Wow, you are going to have all your kids in school! I can't wait for that day, I don't have any in school. But when it does finally happen, I will probably be sad that they are all big enough to be in school. I'm reading Breaking Dawn right now too, and I just can't find enough time in the day! Eventually I'll get through it!

The Claysons said...

Paige... Ditto on "Breaking Dawn". I'll just come out and say it, thus far it plain old sucks! I'm only about 270 pages into it and I'm not even that interested. Where as the other 3 books I read in two days!

Second... Watch out Kaycee! She looks so dang cute. Mean old daddy better be ready to start fighting off the boys!

Third.. of course your other three daughters are absolutely darling too! Seriously, your girls are some of my very favorite people! They are so sweet and kind! I just love them!

OK... I think I'm done with my novel!

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

I can't imagine having my kids both in school. My house is already going to seem empty enough w/o Lexi here. Oh man, I'm starting to get emotional over my baby going to school. Lexi and Camrie aren't that old already, right?! I just need to focus on getting through the first 20 minutes of school w/o crying. My goal is to make it home first. The girls all looked sooo cute. They are all beauties! Jason is going to be one busy papa in a few more years. Better start working out! Or, may you should purchase a very large, scarey fake gun!

jaime said...

Ditto on those comments! They look so cute! We did kindergarten assessment today too and I could not stop laughing. I don't know why it was so funny to see how Mason talks to other people but he sounded like an adult talking to his teacher. Glad to see a new post! It is fun to see life through the eyes of little girls for a change :)

Suzette said...

Lucky about having some free time. I can't wait until I can get mine. But on the other hand I'm freaking out because I'll have two in school and Kindergarten here is all day no options. YUCK!!! And for Breaking Dawn it does get better but it is so long it's really really hard to finnish

Aldred Family said...

Seriously, tell Jason to stop beating you! ;) j/k. Love the pictures!! Their first day of school out fits are super cute!! How fun for Camrie to go to school too! I bet that she is more than ready!! Thanks for updating, it's about freaking time!!!!

The Warner Family said...

Your girls are quite cute. I loved Kacey's outfit! She is going to be a hottie! Watch out , Jason! I am so excited to have Camary in my kindergarten class. That means I will get to hang out with you when you mom help. Yeah for me! Just a few more days!

Clay and Donna Chesnut said...

Do we have cutest grandkids ever, or what??? Kayce is absolutely beautiful, the boys better stay away or I know a Grandpa who will be getting them. Hayley and Sydney look excited for school and I know Camrie is getting anxious to start. We sure do love you beautiful, smart, awesome, terrific granddaughters.

Love Ya, Grandma & Grandpa Chesnut
Sorry about the 'Roomie 2' name, it just happened!! I will fix it.