Monday, August 25, 2008

Back Tracking a little bit...

About a week before school started I went down to spend a few days in my awesome hometown of Parowan with my parents so that I could get my "fix" ( I need that every once in a while) and also because my kids had not been down to grandma and grandpa's since March. My oldest sister from Chicago was there with her 2 boys and we also took Kaycee's best friend Julie with us so it was a very full house. On Wednesday we went on a hike up to Hidden Haven. Anyone who has gone to Parowan Elementary knows about Hidden Haven. It was a fun hike and the girls absolutely loved it. Then the next day we spent the day at Parowan Pool. I didn't get any pictures but it is funny to me that the pool has not changed AT ALL since I was a little kid. The mermaid mural is still painted on the cement back wall...however it is fading now. Since I didn't take pix at the Parowan pool I thought I would include some cute ones of the girls at Spanish Fork pool during swim lessons in July. Then on Thursday my sister and I took the kids over to Bryce Canyon. I worked there for 2 summers and it is amazing how many memories hit me when I went back. I had not been to Bryce for about 6 yrs. I forgot how utterly beautiful it is. We didn't take the kids down into the canyon on a hike because they were all complaining about the heat which wasn't even that bad, and also because my dads STUPID dog had chewed up Camries shoes that morning and so she only had on a pair of croc's and was not up to hiking in those. They also had a fun time in "old Bryce town" taking funny pictures in the jail and all. The girls slept out on my parents deck under the stars every night. I remember how much fun I had doing that as a kid. I love, love, LOVE to be down in Parowan!!!!!!!


jaime said...

Looks like fun! I love your new layout & pictures!

Grandma and Grandpa Chesnut said...

The most adorable girls in the world. Love Ya!!

Grandma and Grandpa Chesnut said...

The most adorable girls in the world. Love Ya!!

Michelle and Nick said...

Love the new family picture. I need a copy! And boo hoo, I miss Bryce!

Aldred Family said...

Looks like a fun time in Parowan! I'm sure the girls love every minute there! I LOVE your new family picture! Very cute!! and the new background is awesome! One day I will make you teach me how to make your blog look so dang cute!! Let's BBQ before it turns cold!

Karen said...

Ahhh, Bryce! How I miss that place! Can you believe it's been 14 years since I worked there with you???