Monday, July 21, 2008

Time for another baptism!

My sweet little Sydney had a big birthday last week. She turned 8 yrs old. She is so excited to be getting baptised next Saturday. On her birthday I was telling her how her birth happened and it got me thinking back and remembering all of my girls births. Sydney's definitely was swiftest. I keep telling her she was just so anxious to come down and join our family because I went into labor 10 days early. By the time we got to the hospital at 8:00 a.m. I was in full labor and couldn't even walk into the hospital so they came out with a wheel chair and got me up to labor and delivery. She was born 12 minutes later weighing in at 6 lbs 4 oz. She was so tiny. The doctor took a look at her and said "If she was a fish, I would throw her back." She was such a beautiful little baby. I am so glad that she is part of our family. She has the funnest personality. So in tribute to her 8th birthday I am going to list the 8 things I love best about her.

1. She keeps Jason and I in stitches with all of her funny little spurts of chatter.

2. She is usually pretty patient with her little sister and is willing to let her tag along...sometimes.

3. She amazes me sometimes with her understanding of choosing the right. We had a F.H.E. a month ago and I asked them questions about what they would do in certain situations and her answers not only astounded me (in a good way) but put a lump in my throat with how sweet she is always trying to be.

4. She has a personality that can light up any room that she walks into. She smiles all the time and her funny little giggle just makes my heart melt.

5. She is very thoughtful of her friends. She is always willing to let them choose what to play or what character to be. She never wants anyone to feel sad or left out.

6. She is always giving her mom and dad a big squeeze and telling us how much she loves us. I know that will change as she gets older, but I don't want it to.

7. She is a good eater. No matter what I make for dinner, I can pretty much plan on her eating 2 or 3 helpings of it. It makes me feel like my time in the kitchen was well spent. I have also come to the conclusion that her food is metabolizing as she is chewing it. She can out-eat me any day and still is the size of a bird.

8. She is just such a fun person to be around. She is so happy and has such a funny sense of humor. She is very loving and and all around great kid.

Happy Birthday sweet Sydney. We love you very much!


Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

Happy 8th Birthday Sydney! It sounds like you take after your mother. She is also very considerate of others and has an amazing understanding of the gospel. You are so lucky to have each other. Thanks for sharing this post with us.

John and Diana said...

Happy B-Day Sid. You are a shear joy! We love you!

John and Diana said...

Hey, a bbq sounds great. We will also be gone every night this week, but we need to hook up and lamp next week. Let us know what night works. We also need to discuss swim lessons! Yay! I will call ya!

Suzette said...

Do you believe in Arranged marriages becuase she is just so adorable and I have a son just her age :)!!!

Aldred Family said...

Happy 8th Birthday Sydney!!!
Looks like she had an awesome day! I love that picture with her and her cake.. she is so dang cute!

Aldred Family said...

Time to update, woman!! ;)

Clay and Donna Chesnut said...


Your Grandma and Grandpa Chesnut loves you so much. You are such a special granddaughter and we are so proud of you. Your baptism was so fun and you looked so very pretty. You are our sunshine!!

Love Ya!!

Clay and Donna Chesnut said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl!! WE love you!!