Monday, July 14, 2008

Just for fun!

I have seen this posted on a few other blogs, but after leaving a post with Angie Clayson, I decided that I too would see what people have to say. I just hope that you are all nice. LOL

Here's how it works:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember, good or bad but be nice please! ;)

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.Come on all my blog followers... I want to post something about you, let's see this on your blog!!!


Shannon said...

I remember one of the times I worked with you. You had just come back from a ward picnic where there was a campfire and you had to hurry and go home and shower and you came with your hair partially wet. I was jealous that you could leave the house like that and still look wonderful. Your hair just flowed and had a little bit of natural curl in it. That was one of the few times I wish I had long hair. ;)

Johnson said...

I don't know you at all but through your blog really but I do rememeber talking with you when I came for my "Visiting Teaching" interview and you were really nice to me so I appreciate that. You have a very beautiful family and I look forward to getting to know you better because I think you are great!!! Here's to future memories!!!


jaime said...

I have to say my favorite memory was when we were nearly "attacked" at Angie's cabin and you the brave one went out and filled the generator with more gas and saved us all :) You are just so fun and I am glad I have got to know you better!

The Claysons said...

Paige, I have known you for several years now... but have gotten to know you better the last couple of years. I have to say one of my favorite memories was at the cabin too. It was fun staying up all night with the girls and getting to know you better. And, I have to say I was pretty impressed with your 80's gear to at my party! I'll never forget that!

Nicki said...

I don't know you all to well yet, but I'm sure that will all change with our monthly bunko get togethers. My best memory is the same as Jamies, and how we were outside trying to plot a good way to scare them even more before we came back into the cabin. I don't think we were to sucessful at pounding on the windows, but it was still funny. I look forward to making many more memories together. Thanks for your friendship.

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

I have so enjoyed geting to know you better over the past year. I'm glad that you and I are in the same Bunko group and I am glad that we share a love for yummy veggies. I know that after this weekend we will have some memories that will last a lifetime.

The first memory I have of you is also from your gospel dfoctrin teaching days. I used listen to you and I have always been very impressed by your knowledge of the gospel. I admire that quality and wish I could be that great of a teacher. You have always been so nice and you have the ability to make others feel comfortable around you even if they are just meeting you for the first time.

Suzette said...

I remember the crazy day of your wedding and how it was really humid and I couldn't get your hair the way you had planned. I can't believe you still talk to me after that.:) You still looked so beautiful and would look beautiful in a shower cap. Sorry if you didn't like your hair. Also I remember the night we all slept outside in Bryce. You and your sisters made me laugh. You were so fun to be around.

Becky said...

I remember your testimony at the Enrichment retreat last year. I don't think there was a dry eye as everyone felt the spirit and the love that we feel as individual daughters of God. Thanks for sharing that special experience. :)

John and Diana said...

Paige, I have so many memories with you, that this was really tough for me! I have many funny funny memories that go along with all the fun trips we have taken together, (I am sure you have a few hilarious ones come to mind!)and how you just happened to have an 'extra' pregnancy test hanging around at your house when I told you I thought I was prego with Orion, but I will never forget when you fortold how many kids I was going to have by hanging a pencil over my wrist and you were right!!!! It came true! You always astounded me with your card tricks, like you were magic or something! You have always mezmorized me!! You are a wonderfully fun person and I am so thankful that I can call you my friend. I cherish all we have shared together!

Loni said...

Paige, one of the memories I have of you is from our work dinner outings. We were eating a Joe Bandito's, and we got on the subject of waxing our legs. You were talking about how you ordered a kit from TV. You said you thought it looked so easy and pain free until you tried it yourself. Your expression of this was "holy beeeeep" that really hurt! I just thought it was so funny! You have a great personality and I look forward to getting to know you better!

Chalise said...

I will always remember our trip in the ambulance together down to the hospital after we got burned. I will also always remember you laying at the bottom of the stairsunable to move as the paramedics came. I feel bad now that my only thought at the time was "crap, now I bet we won't be able to go roller skating for family home evening"

The Warner Family said...

Well Paige, I am finally leaving you a memory. I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful person I think you are. I am so glad I have gotten to know you. Thanks for being one of the tough ones and turning on the generator, spilling gas all over yourself. I really appreciate you risking your life for all of us screaming wimps that stayed in the cabin. I do know that I am jealous of you because you get to be related to Donna. She is one of the people I admire a great deal. She is lucky to have you as well. Thanks for all of the great and random chats we have at New Haven. Thanks again for your friendship. love Ang

Aldred Family said...

ok, this is proof that we REALLY don't hang out enough!! I do remember the first time I met you was at a softball game. I thought you were such a cute mom and someone who just really had it together! I'm glad that we have started hanging out more often, hopefully we'll have lots of fun memories to look back on! :)

Michelle and Nick said...

So many to choose from... How about when you lived with me for the summer and the day before you moved home you wrecked my car! There are about a billion from Bryce Canyon, but I still think my favorite involved a bunch of gas, an open window and a sneeze.