Saturday, July 5, 2008

All about my Mom!

All 4 of my girls were tagged to do this quiz on me so here are their answers.

Kaycee's answers:

What is something your mom always says to you? I Love you
What makes mom happy? CD's (okay?)
What makes mom sad? When we don't eat dinner
How does your mom make you laugh? Being silly
What was your mom like as a child? Loved to read
How old is your mom? 35
How tall is you mom? 5 ft. 1 inch (thank you I'm 5'7")
What is you moms favorite thing to do? Read, play volleyball and play with family
What does your mom do when your not around? I'm not there to see
If your mom becomes famous what will it be for? Acting
What is your mom really good at? Volleyball
What is your mom not really good at? Soccer LOL (sad but true)
What does your mom do for her job? Night Patrol (pretty close)
What is your moms favorite food? Tomatoes. She eats anything. (thanks kid)
What makes you proud of your mom? She is high spirited (?)
If your mom was a cartoon character, who would she be? Lady Tsunade from Naruto
What do you and your mom do together? Talk and go places
How are you and your mom the same? We love to read alot.
How are you and your mom different? I don't like make-up
How do you know your mom loves you? She shows it and says it all the time?

Haley's answers:
What is something your mom always says to you? Go take Powder out to potty
What makes your mom happy? When we are good
What makes your mom sad? When we are bad
How does your mom make you laugh? When she makes funny faces
What was your mom like as a child? Cute (you betcha')
How old is your mom? 35 (ouch not for another 6 months)
How tall is your mom? As tall as two couches on top of each other (not sure how to take that)
What is your moms favorite thing to do? Watch movies with the family
What does your mom do when your not around? Read
If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? Cooking
What is your mom really good at? Drawing (uh that would be a NO)
What is your mom not really good at? Carving pumpkins. ( I leave that to daddy and take pix)
What does your mom do for her job? Watch other kids (again kinda close)
What is your moms favorite food? Tomato sandwiches (yum that does sound good right now)
If your mom was a cartoon character, who would she be? Minnie Mouse
What do you and your mom do together? We play card games together
How are you and your mom the same? We both never leave the house without our smile (oh cute)
How are you and your mom different? We like different kinds of music
How do you know that your mom loves you? Because I love her

Sydney's answers:

What is something your mom always says to you? Be reverent on Sunday
What makes your mom happy? Cleaning (especially when the girls do it)
What makes your mom sad? Being mean to each other
How does your mom make you laugh? Tickling me
What was your mom like as a child? She cried whenever someone brushed her hair
How old is your mom? 25 (that's more like it)
How tall is your mom? 70 inches
What is your moms favorite thing to do? Cook
What does your mom do when your not around? She does dishes
If your mom became famous, what would it be for? Dancing
What is your mom really good at? Singing
What is your mom not really good at? Building a house
What does your mom do for her job? Take care of kids? (I'm not sure if she meant them or my nightwatch girls)
What is your moms favorite food? Spaghetti
What makes you proud of your mom? She loves me
If your mom was a cartoon character, who would she be? Little red riding hoods mom
What do you and your mom do together? We watch movies
How are you and your mom the same? We have the same nose
How are you and your mom different? She is older then me
How do you know you mom loves you? She kisses me all the time

Camrie's answers;

What is something your mom always says to you? I love you
What makes mom happy? When I hug and kiss her
What makes mom sad? When I fight with my sisters
How does your mom make you laugh? She tickles my feet
What was your mom like as a child? Cried a lot
How old is your mom? 20
How tall is your mom? 5 inches
What is your moms favorite thing to do? Eat (thanks again kid)
What does your mom do when you are not around? Sitting down reading the newspaper
IF your mom became famous, what would it be for? She would be a rock star!
What is your mom really good at? Cooking
What is your mom not really good at? Cleaning the lights on the ceiling
What does your mom do for her job? Cleans the house (some days it feels like that)
What is your moms favorite food? spaghetti and tomatoes
What makes you proud of your mom? When we give each other hugs (doesn't make sense but its pretty darn cute)
If your mom was a cartoon character, who would she be? Belle
What do you and your mom do together? We read stories and sing and play
How are you and your mom the same? Blond hair and blue eyes
How are you and your mom different? Mom has long nails and I have short nails cause I bite them
How do you know your mom loves you? Cause she snuggles with me!

Now I tag anyone reading this blog!!!


Becky said...

Cute! I love how Camrie thinks you sit and read the newspaper when she's not around. :)

John and Diana said...

this is cute! I will have to try it out on my kids and see what they say!

Johnson said...

That really is so cute. I am curious now....I have to ask my boys some questions and see what they really think of me. This could be tragic!!


Johnson said...

Okay, so I might have to copy your questions because I was just asking Dallin some of these questions and I about died on some of his answers!!! Too funny!!


Matt and Valerie said...

These answers are so cute. I sure love your girls and had a great time staying with you. Thanks for having us. See ya next week. Love ya lots.