Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tee hee hee

Tonight I was watching family fued with Haley and Sydney. The question was asked "Name something an older woman buys for her boy toy?" One contestant said "a hooker". Haley started laughing which startled and disturbed me.

Sydney "What's a hooker"

Haley "Something you hang up your clothes on"

Yep kiddo you just go right on thinking that!!!


Becky said...

ah the innocence of children. :)

jaime said...

that is so freakin funny lol :)

Johnson said...

Oh, I love it! That is my favorite show by the way...I can't believe they asked that....I need to pay more attention next time I watch!!:)

Aldred Family said...

How cute... and innocent!! Love it! Thanks for the smile!

Shannon said...
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Shannon said...

I LOVE when kids say innocent things like that. If only it would stay that way.

Nicki said...

sometimes it shocks you when they start laughing at something like that, and your thinking "oh crap" what have I taught my children. Then you get so relieved when you hear their explanation. Whew!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Hahah! This cracked me up!How sweet and innocent!

Lindsey said...

I will definately give you some tomatoes when they are ready. Between my plants and my Mom's, trust me we will have a ton!
And Zucchini, cucumbers, onions, potatoes, peas, and oh the cherries are almost ready to be picked. Just let me know what you want!

Karen said...

So a co-worker of mine is going to Bryce for a vacation and it's been so long I wondered if you remembered any cool places I could tell him to go???

Loni said...

I love how kids take everything so literal! It's great!