Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My "young woman"

I am a little late getting this post done. I'm following the example of Lindsey and Angie by doing a birthday tribute to my birthday girl. Kaycee just turned 12 so these are the 12 things that I love best about her.

1. She is growing into such a responsible young lady-and helps out her mom a ton with being willing to babysit her sisters on a pretty regular basis.

2. She is so kind hearted and sensitive about peoples feelings. She has been known to choke down some food she really despises just so she wont hurt someones feelings who made it.

3. She is confident in who she is. Even though she doesn't fit into the norm of typical 12 year old girls, she doesn't mind being different and doesn't change who she is to fit in. I love that about her.

4. She is usually very happy. She makes friends easily and is a fun person to be around.

5. She is a natural leader.

6. She is extremely creative. She has written quite a lot of stories that are well thought out. She also is an amazing artist.

7. She has the CUTEST laugh

8. She isn't shy about talking to Jason and I about most anything, I hope it stays that way through her teenage years.

9. She has a very good understanding of the sciptures and a sweet testimony of the church.

10. She understands her important role about being the example for her younger sisters.

11. She loves her sisters and is willing to play make believe stories with them and sleep together with them on the weekends.

12. She treats her parents with respect and doesn't do the eyeball roll and the "WHATEVER"

I am so thankful to have had her in our family for the last 12 years. Happy (belated ) Birthday Kaycee. We love you so much!


Aldred Family said...

I can't believe you guys have a 12 year old!! Happy Birthday Kaycee!! Looks she had an amazing day!!

jaime said...

Happy Birthday!!
(I hope it wasn't my food she was choking down :)

Chalise said...

I can't believe my little Kaycee Jean Matilda silly-goose chessnut is 12. I still remember her as just a little baby that had the cutest personality. Man, why do they have to grow up? But I must say, she is growing into a beautiful little lady.

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

It is so fun having her in YW and I really look forward to getting to know her better. I have already noticed some of the good qualities that you have mentioned. Happy Birthday Kaycee!

Matt and Valerie said...

I sure love that Kaycee. Please give her a big hug for me since I'm not there to do it myself. Sure miss you all.

Anonymous said...

Grandpa and Grandma Chesnut loves Kaycee so much. She is such an awesome young lady and we are so proud of her. She is an example to all of us and always so cute and happy. She is our sunshine!!