Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dance Recital

Last night was Haley and Camrie's dance recital. They both love to dance and they both are so coordinated and good at it. Haley has been taking from this dance co. since she was 4 and this is Camrie's 2nd year. They both looked soooo cute in their costumes and neither one were the least bit nervous to perform on stage. I'm so glad that they both love to dance because I did as well growing up. I took dance from age 5 to 17 and loved every year. Haley wants to do competition team next year which means more $ and a whole lot more time, but it's what she loves so I want to help her pursue it as long as she can. Camrie loved dance this year because she had 3 great little friends in her class with her. They all did so well and looked darling.


Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

Look how cute they are. It is fun seeing having such a good time with dance. Great job girls!

Suzette said...

i'm so jealous!!! How fun and cute is that?

Aldred Family said...

How fun! What cute girls!! I would love to get Alissa in dance!! I wish I could find a place for her! Cute pictures!!

John and Diana said...

It has been a long time since I have seen something that cute! Camrie in her little pink costume!!! Oh My gosh! I loved it!