Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring Break in Parowan

This year since the girls had a whole week off of school I decided to go down to Parowan so they could spend time with grandma and grandpa. It was really fun being down there without a busy schedule of places to go... just nice and relaxing.One thing that I love to see is the girls exploring and loving the same things I did at their age. My parents yard has ample places to explore and with lots of big fields around, one is never bored. On one of the days we walked to the elementary school (which is half a block from their house) to play on the playground. As we went around the back of the school I noticed that the door to the kindergarten room was open so I wanted to go look in the room...for nostalgia sake. Surprisingly the room looked just the way I remembered it. I took a picture of the girls in my old kindergarten room. Then I took them on a tour of my school and all my classrooms. I loved going into the lunchroom and library because it looked EXACTLY like it did 29 years ago. Holy I REALLY that old? Ouch!!!! Their favorite part was going into the girls bathroom because it has a mirror on the wall next to a hallway so you can create funny images with your body. I took these funny ones of the girls. After we left the school we walked up to the city park. It has changed completely, but when we went into the Library it was another blast from the past. Nothing in there had changed...same red tables and blue chairs. They still have their card catalog to look up books instead of a computer. I love that about my small home town! My mom was so wonderful that week. She had the girls bring down the aprons she had made for them so that they could help her cook. Kaycee and Haley loved helping her make apple juice with "the big pink pig" which is a juicing machine my mom has had for as long as I can remember and very aptly named. They each got to help with one breakfast and one dinner. My girls love to cook but I don't really have them help much because they fight over who gets to do what and seem to be underfoot to much. Camrie of course was in heaven with the 2 huge bins of dress up and old dance costumes. I don't think she wore her normal clothes much that week. At the end of the week I was anxious to get back and see my sweetie. The ride back (and down) were so nice in my wonderful new Pilot because the girls were able to watch a movie and stay entertained. It was a great week and it made me soooo grateful that I grew up in such a great small community and with such a wonderful family.


Aldred Family said...

Looks like a really fun trip! How fun is that to go back into your old school! Holy cow- what a trip! We definitely need to get together soon. What do you guys have going on Saturday?

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

It's fun going back home. Even though I count myself as being from SF because I moved here when I was 9, I still love to go back to my other home. I still have family in Southern UT and loved to drive through the town I lived in. Nothing ever changes and I love it. It looks like you had a really fun spring break. Doesn't it make you look forward to summer? I can't wait! Thanks for sharing.

Darla said...

Hey Paige and family,
I loved the pics of your spring break in Parowan. Talk about memories!!! The school playground...the kindergarten room, the library etc... Brought back memores from LONG LONG ago.
Hope you are all well. We're excited to see you this summer!
love and hugs,

Shannon said...

Grandparents are the best. I'm glad you all had a good time.

Rhiannon said...

Makes me dream dreams of "home". When we moved there I never thought I'd love the place as much as I do! It seems to be where my heart has stayed. A true place to call home.

Your fam has the best dress-ups in the world. What kid wouldn't LOVE that!

Rhiannon said...

Makes me dream dreams of "home". When we moved there I never thought I'd love the place as much as I do! It seems to be where my heart has stayed. A true place to call home.

Your fam has the best dress-ups in the world. What kid wouldn't LOVE that!

Suzette said...

I wish Cedar hadn't changed as much as it has. I went there a few years ago and actually got lost in a neighborhood that never existed while I lived there. It's crazy how much it has grown. I miss going to the Iron County fair in Parowan and would love to take my boys to it sometime. Your girls are so cute what a fun spring break.

John and Diana said...

Looks like you guys had a blast!! I LOVE the pictures you took! Your girls are soooo dang cute!!! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am sure you are about the only person who reads it!!!! ha ha!