Monday, April 28, 2008

Me from A-Z

So I just did one of these things but I got tagged by my here goes.

A-ATTACHED OR SINGLE-Happily attached for almost 14 years now.
B-BEST FRIEND-Obviously my man that I am so happily attached to.
C-CAKE OR PIE- Cake but only if it's cheesecake.
D-DAY OF CHOICE-I have always loved Sundays ever since I was a little kid and it has carried over as a parent. I love that the feeling from church just stays with me the whole day.
E-ESSENTIAL ITEM-My planner, can not remember ANYTHING without it.
F-FAVORITE COLOR-Yellow or I really love Periwinkle too.
G-GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT-Having 4 happy healthy well adjusted daughters.
H-HOMETOWN-Parowan, best little town ever.
I-INDULGENCES-Getting my hair cut and colored.
J-JANUARY OR JULY-July I suppose if I have to choose, I don't like the heat but I LOATH the cold.
K-KIDS- Kaycee 12, Haley 9, Sydney 7 and Camrie 5
L-LIFE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT-A good sense of humor and someone to make you use it
M-MARRIAGE DATE-September 30, 1994
N-NUMBER OF SIBLINGS- 2 older sisters and an older brother, 2 younger sisters and a younger brother. I am literally THE middle child
P-PHOBIAS OR FEARS-Traveling at high speeds
Q-QUOTES-By Neal A. Maxwell "The special spirits who have been reserved to live in this day of trial and tribulation, and who overcome, will one day be praised for their stamina by those who pushed handcarts"
R-REASON TO SMILE-Wonderful husband, wonderful girls , wonderful parents and siblings, wonderful in-laws, wonderful friends...etc
S-SEASON-Fall. the crisp cool air, the sound of walking on leaves, the smells, the color.
T-TAG 3 FRIENDS-Diana, Katie and Lindsey
U-UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME-I am a major procrastinator and it's something I have had to work on daily for pretty much my whole life.
V-VERY FAVORITE STORE-Right now it's Home Depot because there are so many projects I am wanting to do. I could spend hours and major $ in that store.
W-WORST HABIT-Not eating breakfast until lunch time. Mornings are to busy and I don't get hungry until around 12:00.
X-X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND-Loved getting the ultrasounds but never again thank you.
Y-YOUR FAVORITE JUNK FOOD-French fries or chips and salsa


Aldred Family said...

Thanks for doing the tag, Paige! I always love reading them! And I'm also always a little surprised at how much we have in common!

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

I will do this tag, but forgive me if you don't see it for a few days. I always love reading these. You learn so much. You are a great person.

John and Diana said...

Hey! I love these! Thanks for sharing!

John and Diana said...

I liked this! It was cute! I did mine and enjoyed yours.