Thursday, April 10, 2008

My "baby" is 5

Today was Camrie's 5th birthday. I can not believe that she is getting so big. Looking at these pictures makes me realize she isn't little anymore. She is growing up so very fast. She is constantly writing "letters" to everyone and the amazing thing is that even though she doesn't use spaces in between her words, you can totally make out what she is writing. She sounds out her words remarkably well. I think she will fly through kindergarten without a hitch. She is reading more and more each day. What a fun personality she is to have around. She says some of the funniest things. I also realize how much she looks like me when I was her age.
Happy Birthday sweet girl.
On another happy note, I have a NEW CAR!!!! Well not actually a car, an suv. On Tue. we went and picked up my new Honda Pilot. I absolutely LOVE it. It drives so smooth and is so beautiful. I want to get a picture on the blog of it but the last few days have gotten it dirty so I need to go wash it so it's nice and clean for the pic. We decided last night that we would put the van for sale on KSL just to see if we would get a response. Jason typed in the add and hit enter. I'm not joking when I say that before one minute had passed the phone rang. The girl said that they were coming from Orem and asked us not to sell it to anyone else before they could get here. within 20 min. they were at our house with cash in hand. We told them of all the problems with it but he wasn't concerned because he said he could fix it. So we posted it on KSL at 7:30 and by 8:00 it was driving out of our driveway. No more van...Hello Pilot!


Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

Happy Birthday Camrie! Wow on the van, I quess it was ment to be. How fun.

Aldred Family said...

Happy Birthday Camrie!! Hope that you had a fun day!!
Paige, I'm so happy you have a car you love!! Jeff said the pilot was really nice!! Good for you!!

Suzette said...

I can't believe your youngest is the same age as my middle one :) Isn't it crazy how fast kids grow and how fast time goes by.
Congrats on the piolet we are huge Honda lovers it's a great SUV :)

jaime said...

Camrie is such a cutie! 5 years, time for another?? :) Congrats on the new car!

Becky said...

How nice to have a new pilot!! Those are great cars. :)