Monday, April 7, 2008

First camping trip of the year

Last weekend we went camping with our friends Mike and Angie and a group that they camp with every April. We went out to Eureka (sp?)on Friday afternoon. It was quite the trip. They had blow-up slides and bouncy things for the girls to play on and more then enough 4 wheelers to keep everyone occupied. There were 5 families in all. We had a blast and the girls have repeatedly said that this was their favorite camping trip ever. It was fun to get away and enjoy nature...even though it was quite cold and the dust about killed me. Being dirty is something I do NOT enjoy. That is why 2 days is about my max. It was really fun to sit around the fire talking and laughing. Powder wore himself out chasing the 4 wheelers around but he was in heaven having all that freedom to roam. All in all, a VERY fun trip!


Hey, This is Lisa. said...


Your blog is amazing!! You and your little girls are so very beautiful. Jason is very lucky. I'm glad you found my blog. Thanks for all the support through my pregnancy. I got to come visit you with Aimee soon too! I'd like to see how your doing. Have fun camping! I miss doing that.
-Lisa Harward

Aldred Family said...

Looks like a really fun weekend!! I agree with you.. I hate getting all dirty, two days is just about perfect. I grew up on camping.. absolutely LOVE it! But, the older I get, the more I'm turning into a cabin "camper"! Cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

My dears,
your Soul World is the true Haven on Earth!
you are one of the kind!- one of the most blessed people, I've ever met!!!
Much Love,
Oxana, the author of the books on Eternal Femininity.