Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ok so it's been a while

I have been properly chastised by more then a few people for going so long without an update. It would be a great time for me to do it during my 4 hours of work but I don't have any of my pictures on the laptop so any updates I do here will be picture-less ones. We just got back today from our Easter trip to Torrey and I got a lot of cute pictures so I will post them from home tomorrow. We have had a lot happen from my last posting on the 3rd so I will try to remember some of them. Jason had his first trip since going back to Traco, on March 9th until Mar14th. He was in Minnesota. He used to travel quite a bit and even though I don't like it, I did get kinda used to it. But now it's been over a year since he had to go anywhere and I'm not so used to it anymore. I REALLY don't like doing the single mom thing. It's to hard. On the weekend of the 13th-16th my little sister Chalise came up to visit with her darling kids. They stayed at my house and it was really fun having time to visit and laugh. On Wednesday the19th I went and registered my LAST child for school. It was a weird feeling. I had taken Camrie in to get her kindergarten shots the week before and I was again amazed at my little trooper. I had not warned her that we were going in because I didn't want her stressing about it. We went to a different place then usual so she didn't have a clue what was going on as we walked back into the room. When the nurse shut the door, Camrie looked at me very suspiciously and said "Mom...what are we doing here?" We had to do 4 shots in all, 2 in each arm. As they were doing then I expected her to jerk or cry or something but she sat there still and silent. After the nurse was done she told Camrie that she was the bravest kid and that she did wonderful. Camrie waited until she shut the door, turned to me accusingly and said "Mom that hurt" and started to cry. Break my heart. She calmed down pretty quickly though. On Thursday I had the last S.E.P conferences with the girls teachers for this school year. It boggles the mind how quickly this year has gone. Then we went home and packed up our things to get ready to leave for Torrey the next day. The girls were out of school and so Jason took it off work so that we could leave in the morning and make a whole day of it. I will post pictures of it tomorrow. It was a really fun weekend. One last thing I have to mention, I had the unhappy experience of being the parent to a heartbroken child who has lost a beloved pet. Kaycee's sweet little hamster Cheeto died last week. She was doing fine when Kaycee left for school but by the time Kaycee came home and went to get her to play, she was doing very badly. She was still breathing but would not respond or move at all. I called the vet and tried to help her but after about 1/2 hour she quit breathing. I held Kaycee for a long time and just let her sob but I was crying to. It was HORRIBLE!!! There is nothing worse then when your child is hurt whether physically or emotionally and you would do anything to take that pain away from them...but you cant. All you can do is love them and cuddle them and squeeze them really really tight. I felt so bad for her but also for the loss of such a sweet little thing. Cheeto was such a good hamster, she never bit and was so fun and playful. Haley has a hamster to but she is a temperamental little stinker that bites everyone so nobody wants to hold or play with her. Kaycee and I are going to go up to Orem tomorrow and get her a new hamster. We both hope that this one has a disposition as sweet as Cheeto. She died on Mon the 17th and when I got up on Tue. morning I noticed that Kaycee had written on my calendar for the day before 'R.I.P Cheeto.' Oh Kaycee :-)


Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Fun- I like seeing other people's blogs!!! And you guys are adorable. I have a personal blog in addition to the family one at
You rock-

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

By the way- I want your email- so I can send you an evite. xo

Aldred Family said...

Ok, so I finally posted this morning!! You've had a busy few weeks!! I hear ya about being a single mom.. It's a lot harder than I think. and Jeff does a whole lot more than I notice until he's gone!! Glad the boys are back home and life is back to normal! Sounds like a fun Easter weekend... glad you had a good one! We need to get together again soon!!

Suzette said...

I hear you on the single mother thing. It's so hard. I'm also sorry about your pet. I hear you about the pain of a child. Sometimes I wish I could keep them in a little bubble.

Shannon said...

Oh, that is so sad. It brought tears to my eyes. We haven't had to suffer any loss yet with our girls, but both of our dogs are about the same age and getting old. It will be a sad day when they pass. You're such a great mom!

Becky said...

K, you can tell I'm pregnant, cuz I cried reading about Kacey crying about her hamster....