Monday, February 25, 2008

Science fair here we come...AGAIN

So I had the pleasure (lol) of helping with another science fair project. Haley's 3rd grade class did the fair this time. The teacher wanted them to try and do most of it on their own. Haley wanted to do a project showing how rain is formed. She had a quart jar with just a tiny bit of water in it. Then we put the lid on upside down and put ice cubes in the lid. After about 8 min. the rain drops had formed on the underside of the lid and dropped down into the jar. It was a fun project to do (and thankfully quite easy). When we walked thru her science fair we could tell that the kids, not the parents, had done their work. It was fun to see all the different projects but I swear if Sydneys teacher does a science fair as well I might throw something. I just cant believe that we are on the down curve of the rest of the school year. Kaycee freaked me out a little the other day when she informed me she had less then 3 months left of elementary school. Oh my GOSH!!! Talk about a wake up call at how fast time is flying...sheesh!


Chalise said...

glad to see that you FINALLY updated your blog ;-)
We got a van so it should be pretty soon that I come for a little tripi-trip. See you soon. Hey, by the way, where did you get your polka dot background? It's way cute.

Aldred Family said...

Way to go!!
The fun never ends!

Suzette said...

ok so I know who to call apon when we start doing the science fair thing. Trevor could have done one this year but because it was optional he decided he didn't want to. Science was not my best subject so I wouldn't even know where to begin with a project. So next year I'll calling you for some idea -k-.

Valerie said...

Yeah for Haley! I know what you mean about time flying. I can't believe Alex started junior high this year. We can't possibly be getting older so how are they???

I'm so glad you didn't mind me coming by your blog. I just wanted to let you know that I'm having a giveaway on my blog and you're welcome to enter it if you'd like.