Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another fun Sunday

Last Sunday we had plans to have Jason's sister and bro-in-law and their kids come over for banana splits. The girls were SOOO excited because they love to have cousins come over and play. Well as luck would have it she called me a few hours before their arrival to say that 2 of their kids had stayed home from church throwing up and it wasn't a good idea to be bringing sick kids over. When we told the girls they were of course very upset but I figured as long as we still did the banana splits they would be okay....WRONG!!! Both Haley and Sydney burst into tears telling me how unfair their life is. Haley had a harder time of it I think. Jason got upset after they continued to carry on about it and told them that instead being mad that they are sick that she should remember to pray for them that night that they would feel better. Haley still was throwing a fit so she got sent to her room. Sydney and Kaycee still had scowls on their faces but at least were silent and Camrie sat on the couch with eyes closed and fingers together. When Jason asked her what she was doing she whispered, "I'm saying a little prayer for Ashley and Kate". I think she thought that if she prayed for them right then they would feel better and still come over. The faith of a child hu :-). So in order to try and salvage the night and make it fun we decided to play freeze dance. I played music while the girls danced then when I paused it they had to freeze, if they moved they were out and the last one standing wins the round. They girls laughed quite a bit and forgot about being jipped. It was fun. We had banana splits and called it a night.


Aldred Family said...

I hope your girls realize what an AWESOME mom they have to do all of these fun things with them! Holy cow! You are so much fun and so creative! I need to take some notes!