Friday, February 29, 2008

All about my Sweetums

What is his name; Jason Clay Chesnut

How long have you been married; 13 years 5 months

How long did you date; 9 months

Who eats more sweets; He does. He loves ice cream and pudding pies while I am more of a chips and salsa or popcorn snacker

Who said I love you first; He did but I followed immediately

Who is taller; Him by about 7 in. just the right height for my head to lay on his chest :-)

Who can sing better; We both can sing pretty well but he wont ever let anyone hear how well he can sing. He was in accapella in high school so that tells you something.

Who is smarter; I like Michelles answer "he is smarter yet I am always right, go figure"

Who does the laundry; I do. I actually enjoy doing it. I am kind of particular about it also.

Who pays the bills; We both do but he enjoys it while I just tolerate it.

Who sleeps on the right side; I do

Who mows the lawn; He does. Just like me with the laundry, he enjoys it and is quite particular about it. I have never mowed the lawn and he has never done a load of laundry

Who cooks dinner; Mostly me but he is a wonderful cook and makes my 2 favorite meals

Who drives; He does. It makes him carsick to be in the passenger side

Who is more stubborn; He is, only because I'm really not that stubborn

Who kissed who first; He started it but boy did I finish it.

Who asked who out; He did. We hung out as friends for the first while then he and his friend asked Michelle and I out on a double date to dinner and a BYU game.

Who proposed; He did in his usual fun creative way

Who is more senstitive; I am for sure but he has his moments

Who has more siblings; I have 6 he has 3

Who wears the pants; I have always hated that question. I would say he probably does but he always says that my mood dictates the mood of the house so maybe that's his way of saying I do. I suppose that question is best answered with "we both have one leg in"

Okay so I tag Angie C, Lindsey, Diana and Darla.


Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

You got it Paige. Check out my blog for all the dirt on my husband and I. This will be fun.

Aldred Family said...

Jeff was looking to get more dirt.. ;) You guys are such a great couple... this was fun to read!