Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I am so sick of snow....but still

Okay I am done, no let me emphasize...DONE with winter. The dreary months of Jan-Mar are so blahhhhh. However when I see the smiles and excitement on my girls face after playing out in the snow for a few hours it makes it a little bit more tolerable. Camrie and the neighbor boy spent 4 hours out playing in the snow last week. Thanks to our lovely snow drifts on the side of our drivway we had quite the little slide for them. It was fun to watch them and it almost made me want to go out and play in it myself. That feeling could be resisted though!


Aldred Family said...

I was thinking the other day that if it's going to snow, I should at least let Ali play in it... I can't wait for the day that I can send her out to play in it and I can watch her while I'm nice and warm in the house! ;) Today has been crazy!! There are cars that have slid off the road all over behind our house.... I'm hoping this is the end of it! Looks like Cambrie had lots of fun!

Shannon said...

I am also so sick of the snow. It's supposed to be a balmy 47 next Wednesday and I couldn't be happier. Tell Kaycee way to go on her science project. They did great.

Shannon said...

I am also so sick of the snow. It's supposed to be a balmy 47 next Wednesday and I couldn't be happier. Tell Kaycee way to go on her science project. They did great.

Suzette said...

Texas is wonderful. It's been in the 60 and 70's here. I do not miss snow at all. Sorry!!!
Hey thanks for the cake recipe. It was our valentines treat with vanilla frosting and strawberrys on top in a heart cupcake tin. The kids LOVED IT!!!

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

I have an idea, lets all get together and go on a tropical vacation! If I believed in reincarnation I would come back as a bear so that I could sleep through winter. I basically hybernate now, so why not.

Your blog is adorable. I just love seeing what you post. What cute girls!!!


PS Thanks for recommending the book. I am going to read it next.

Aldred Family said...

Paige.. We'll be out of town the 29th, let's plan on the 22nd. Is that good for you guys?

Clay and Donna Chesnut said...

What an awesome hill. Look at that cute Camrie, she is our granddaughter. Isn't she awesome?

Nat said...

I agree about the winter thing! But it is a good thing the kids still enjoy it, it makes it somewhat bearable. Sorry about being late tonight for work and making you guys be here longer! What an idiot to set my alarm for pm instead of am, logical mistake right!?

Karen said...

Hey there Paige!
I ended up finding my layout on another site-- Pyzam or something like that. If you look on my blog page, the website is at the top. They have TONS of cute blog layouts!

I love your blog too! Your girls are so dang cute! I keep telling Mike I wouldn't mind having all girls, but I know he'd like a boy at some point...

John and Diana said...

Hey, how do you get the pictures so big on your page? Do tell!

John and Diana said...

Yay! Thanks for adding me!! These are really cute pages!

Aldred Family said...

Hey! Dinner was fun, we need to plan another one again soon!! This is a crazy question... you'd think I'd be able to keep track of things, but did we by chance leave the box of baby wipes there?? lol I can't remember! I really am losing it!!