Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A fun Family home Evening

Last night was our "activity" family home evening and we had a really fun time. We went over to Barnes and Noble because Kaycee's favorite author was there for a book signing. She brought her books with her to get them signed. It just so happened that her entire 6th grade class was there as well so they all got a picture with him. The line was pretty long but we got through it in less then 1/2 hour. She was really excited to meet him and have her books signed. His name is Rick Riordan. Then we walked down to Coneys for some frozen custard. Nothing like a freezing treat on a freezing night but the kids didn't care. The taste of frozen custard brought back memories of going to St. George when I was young with the family and my dad would love to go get frozen custard. They only have one flavor of the day besides chocolate or vanilla. Last night was Reeses penut butter cup....YUMMMY! Although I must give some advice, you probably shouldn't eat something that cold if you have a tooth that is extreamly sensative. I was in A LOT of pain afterwords but darn it tasted good. After that we went to Petsmart so that Camrie could pick out some new fish. If you remember from my last posting her other fish had "rested on the bottem" so she was in need of some more fish. This time we just got her a few of the tiny feeder goldfish so that they can stabelize the water before we get any more larger fish. She was excited to get them home and watch them swim as she fell asleep. To me there is something so calming in watching a fish tank with bubbles and lights in a dark room. It works well as a night light. Anyway it was a very fun evening and the girls have been talking about it alot today so Jason and I realized we need to do stuff like this more often. It seems like the fond memories we both have of our growing up years were the little things like last night.


Aldred Family said...
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Aldred Family said...

You guys are awesome parents... Jeff and I need to try and do more fun things w/ the kids.. especially as Ali is getting older...

Aldred Family said...

Ok... so it posted the same comment twice.. so I am deleting one!! Sorry!

Aldred Family said...

Sorry! All of these comments are from me! I should just pick up the phone and call! I definitely say let's plan it!!

Unknown said...

Yum Neilsons frozen Custard I crave that and english chips with fry sauce from Larsons. Good times in St. George. I can't wait until I come back it's been almost 2 years since I've been to St. George.

Unknown said...

Weird it said from Ryan. This is Suzette oh well. Ryan loves custard too :)