Monday, February 11, 2008

Why I LOVE Sundays

As far back in my childhood as I can recall, I remember how much I loved Sundays. Maybe it was because I didn't have to go to school, part of it was that Sunday dinners were especially yummy, but I think the biggest reason was that our home had a very special feel to it that seemed to be enhanced on Sunday. My parents would listen to the Morman Tabernacle choir and after dinner the kids would all pitch in and do the dishes and it just seemed to be a peacful family day without any outside interuptions. I have since tried to make those same memories for my kids. Yesterday just happened to be one of those days. Church was wonderful and then we came home to the smell of the roast cooking. Dinner was my kids favorite; Roast, mashed potatoes, carrots and french bread. After dinner the girls did the dishes while Jason and I sat in the living room talking. Then Jason went in to make our traditional Sunday cake. Yesterdays cake just happened to be "killer chocolate cake" which happens to be my favorite. However Kaycee not realizing that the recipe only calls for 1 cup of chocolate chips, proceeded to dump the whole bag in. While it was baking we played a game of family hide and seek. The whole house was used. It was sooooooooo fun to just be silly and play with the girls. I won best hiding place. I was in my closet behind the floor length dresses with the pile of shoes covering my feet. After the cake came out it needed to cool for a while so we decided to take a family drive. We drove around for about 15 minutes when we came upon a herd of 10 huge bull elk out in a field. We were able to park the truck about 100 yards away. They are amazing and beautiful animals. We sat and watched them eat while the sun went down. The girls started getting a little restless so we headed home to eat cake with a big glass of ice cold milk. The girls went to bed and Jason and I had 3 hours of quiet time to talk and watch news. How much better of a day can you ask for.


Shannon said...

Sundays are great! We go for a ride every Sunday after church. Jeff has been tracking the elk and we have to find them EVERY week. It sounds like you guys have so much fun with your girls.

Aldred Family said...

Sounds like the perfect beginning to a new week!! You guys are seriosuly such FUN parents!! I love Sunday's too... they seemed to have that unique feel to them when I was young too... I need to be better at making them special for my kids too.

Suzette said...

i would love your recipe for that cake. Ryan loves chocolate and I'm always looking for something new.

Clay and Donna Chesnut said...

What an awesome day. What wonderful kids we have!!