Friday, February 1, 2008

Random update

I know these aren't the greatest pictures but I wanted to post them because I thought they were humorous. If you have ever wondered how Sydney compares in size to the rest of the kids in 2nd grade...well here is the proof. They had their 2nd grade program the other night and Syd was front and center. However looking at her in comparison to the kids next to her you can see how dang tiny she is. She literally came up to the boys shoulder. Poor kid. She is in gymnastics which is perfect for her little frame but even there it is evident how tiny she is. A month or so ago I was there watching her and the class of 10 girls were each taking turns running down a line and jumping on the boucy thing that they put in front of the vault and then jumping strait up in the air and landing on a mat. Poor Sydney ran and jumped with all her might down on the springboard...and the thing moved down maybe and inch. Her teacher tried hard not to laugh and I was laughing (outside the room of course) and feeling bad all at the same time. She outweighs her sister by 3 ounces but is 3 yrs older. Her pediatrition told me she is the size of an average 3-4 yr old and she is almost 8.

So I have had an interesting experience at work lately. In all the years that my friend (who is in charge of nightwatch) has been in her postion, they have never had a girl attack one of the staff...until this week, and that staff just happened to be me. Lovely hu? On Tuesday night I was working and we had a brand new girl that had just been brought in. She woke up a little after midnight and became quite restless. After being up and sitting at the table with us she walked into her bedroom and came out with a coat on. We asked her what she was planning on doing. She said she was just going to go outside for a while. That is compleatly prohibited and we were trying to calmly explain that to her but she didn't want to hear it so she headed for the door. I quickly ran to the door and stood in front of it so she couldn't reach it. She said that she had been in other programs before and they were so bad that she would rather be in a police station then stay there. She saw me as the only thing between her and her freedom...and went balistic on me. She was clawing and hitting me and yelling profanities. She caught me in the throat with her elbow and gave me a huge knot on my arm from bringing her elbow down on my forarm. Luckily there was a 3rd staff there that night and she was pulling her off me and trying to get her to calm down. The girl then went over and started banging on the window trying to get out. The window wouldn't break so she came back for another crack at me. She wore herself out after a minute and started just pacing the floor asking us to call her parents (which live on anther continent). By the time the supervisor came in she had calmed down enough to be reasonable. I left at 3:30 and went home to bed but my adrenilin was still going so strong that I couldn't calm down to go to sleep. I ended up finally going to sleep at 5:00 a.m. only to get up at 7:30 to get my kids ready for school. Needless to say I was a bit tired that day. I am working again tonight but Im not worried because this girl is getting pulled out of the program in the morning.

So everything else is going really well for us now. Poor Jason is probably freezing his butt off tonight. He is on the Klondike with the scouts tonight. Im sorry but who ever thought the idea of taking a bunch of crazy adolecent boys and taking them up into the mountains to sleep in the snow, was a good idea, either doesn't have kids...or needs to be smacked upside the head. This is the DUMBEST thing they do. I hate that they have to do this 2 times every year. Jason bought himself a sleeping bad that can handle weather up to 35 degrees below 0 but still...dumb dumb DUMB!!!!!!

I have been making little changes here and there in the living room. I finally found me some curtains and cute home decore. It is really coming together and I love it. The girls are all doing well. We just cant seem to get over this dumb stomachache thing. Everyone in the house has dealt with it. I am getting so anxious for spring I can't hardly stand it.

One other thing I wanted to mention before closing up is a funny thing that Camrie said. She has been asking for some more fish lately because the 4 that we got her in her tank for Christmas all died within a month after Christmas. When she was down to the last fish Jason would ask her everyday how it was doing. One morning she said "It's doing ok. it's just resting on the bottem" Jason looked at me with a 'should we tell her' look but I couldn't keep a strait face. So I need to go get her just a few of the tiny feeder fish to help normalize the tank water and then hopefully she can get some more fish later.

Well I need to go get my kids ready for bed. Later.


Chalise said...

wow what a post. I can't believe that Syd is the average size of a 3 or 4 year old. It sounds like you got quite the attack. YIKES!!
So I have a question. How do you change your template on your blog without loosing all your links and side pictures? I am struggling with my blog.
Take care

Aldred Family said...

Wow!! What an eventful few days!! I love the pictures w/ Syd... I never realized just how tiny she really is!
I'm glad that they moved that girl out of the program at your work! Sounds like you got more than you bargained for!!
We need to get together and do dinner or something one of these days!! Hope Jason didn't freeze his butt off! I totally agree w/ you... definitely a man that thought that would be fun!!! ;)

Nat said...

I heard that was quite the night Paige!! Good thing your so tough! :)

Suzette said...

I totally agree with you having to camp in the snow. That is way DUMB!!!! That's why we moved to Texas I got so sick of cold wet weather I couldn't take it anymore.
Sorry about your attack. What a crazy moment. I hope all goes back to being normal at work again.