Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The changing of the colors...

Phase 2- putting on the primer
fun times

The journey begins. The menial task of taping off the floorboards
What the walls looked like before...

Jason doing the "not fun" stuff.

So we have been talking about doing something different in our living room for quite a while now but there was always something preventing us whether that was money or time or whatever. We finally decided that since we couldn't afford to go get new furniture, that the best way to change things up a bit was to change the color of the room. We both liked the idea of doing red on the big wall and then having the other walls a soothing shade. We found a green that we fell in love with so we had our colors picked out. Last Saturday we finally went and bought the paint and primer. We have been told repeatedly that when doing a wall red that you have to plan on at least 3 or 4 coats to cover everything. With 18ft walls you can imagine that didn't excite us to much. But we were excited to get going. We got the primer on that night and had to let it dry for 2 hours before we could put on the first coat. Jason just got to anxious to wait for me to finish bathing the girls and so he started the first coat without me. When I came down the stairs, it shocked me. The color looked almost like a pumpkin at first. I was really nervous but as it dried it darkened beautifully. The color is called red rock and it is exactly what I was hoping for. Now we just need to get the other walls painted and so I can get my cute family wall of pictures up. I am really excited to see it all come together. Of course it will take some time before it is truly done. I have to get curtains to match and we want a new rug as well so it wont be completely done for a while, but hey we are well on our way.


Suzette said...

Wow your wall is huge. I love to paint but I hate the clean up and taping. It took me 7 years to decide what to do with my old house. And now I have 20 foot ceelings so I don't think I could paint it myself with out some kind of help so I guess I'm sticking with Brown for a while. :) Post pictures of the finnished project.

Chalise said...

I want to see the red color. I can't wait to see the finished product. I hope we can come up soon. Our car got hit last week so it might be in the shop a while. We are planning on getting a mini van (aghhh) with our taxes this year so maybe once we get it, we can take it for a test ride up north. Well, post more pictures soon.