Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

Season, Lisa and I with the kids
Addie gettin' a big smooch from Powder
The kids playing in the snow at Grandma and Grandpa's
Camrie is more then willing to share the icicle she found

Hello and happy new year. We are very grateful to say goodbye to 2007. Its been an interesting, tough, learning experience kind of year. We are sure that 2008 is bound to be better. It wasn't all bad though and we learned that we are tougher then we thought. We spent 5 days down in Parowan over the holidays. It was great to be with my parents and some of my siblings. Michelle and Nick were there for part of the time and we got to see Chalise and Ammon and their darling kids. The first night we arrived 2 of my friends from high school came over with their families and visited for a while. Season has also had one of those years. Her sweet 11 year old has finished up her chemo for a cancerous brain tumor in Oct. She is headed back to St. Judes for some more testing and we are all keeping her in our prayers that all will come back normal and healthy. It was so great to be able to visit with them again. The days down in Parowan were relaxing and fun. Its always fun to be at my parents house during the holidays. My mom of course spoiled us all with wonderful dinners. On Sunday she made one of my all time favorites, Filo Chicken. Jason had to do some convincing to get Camrie to eat more because she is not at all a fan of stuffing. Finally she looked frustrated and said "Fine dad, I'll eat one more bite of the five little chickens. Filo chicken...five little chickens I guess it sounds alike. We got a kick out of that. We came back home Monday afternoon and spent our new years eve with Carla and Robs family. We have been doing that for about 7 years now. The kids were downstairs playing and the adults were upstairs completely immersed in the card game we were playing that we didn't even realize that the time was 2 minutes to midnight so the kids had to remind us. We brought in the new year with some noise and a spot of the bubbly...cold duck style of course. Well the adults just had to finish up our game so by the time we did, it was well past midnight. Luckily the kids were having so much fun that they forgot to be tired. We didn't end up getting them home to bed until 2:30. Thankfully I have kids that like to sleep as much as I do so we all stayed in bed until 9:30 the next morning.
So now the decorations are put away and we have a big project coming up of painting the living room. We have the colors all picked out and are quite excited. We hope to be done by next Saturday...fingers crossed. We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season as well and that this new year brings even more joy.


Chalise said...

We had so much fun with you guys. I wish we could see you guys more. Addie had a blast playing with your girls and has been praying for them ever since, mostly she says to bless Sydney (probably because when she did it at Grandma's she got a laugh and she is always looking to entertain). I wish she could play with them more. Well take care