Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Family Reunion in Torrey

This labor day we spent the weekend down in Torrey for the Chesnut Family Reunion. It is always so much fun for everyone. The kids LOVE having all that time with their cousins and of course the adults love to have time so sit and chat as well. Most of the kids free time was spent in the pool or doing little craft projects.On Saturday evening we were going to do dutch oven dinner so of course it rained all afternoon and into the evening. We were pretty worried that the wet ground would make it impossible to get our coals hot but Rick saved the day (and dinner) by providing a dutch oven table to cook on. Rob did bbq smoked chicken that was so tasty it's hard to describe, Jason and Rick both did dutch oven cheesy potatoes, I did baked beans and Rick and Lorrie did peach cobbler. Add to that 2 scrumptious salads and you've got yourself quite the meal. On Sunday afternoon we headed down to Fruita for some play time. We were in one of the orchards helping ourselves to some apples and pears (none of which were ripe enough to eat) when this buck walks in casually as you please. It was neat to see it so close up. Camrie was a little unsure at first but then decided she was going to "sneak up" on it. She did get about 3 feet away from it. Monday was hard because we had to pack up and say goodbye to our house in Torrey. It is the house that Jason's dad grew up in and his grandma lived in until 5 years ago when she needed to come up here and live in assisted living. His parents and all the kids pitched in and purchased the house and land so that it would stay in the family. For a variety of reasons, the time has come that we needed to sell it. It was very hard on all of Jason's family because they have so many memories of Torrey and that house. It is hard on the girls to because they are just creating memories. Luckily we will still get to do family reunions down there because the hotel we stay in is next to the house. It will just be hard looking over there and realizing it now belongs to someone else. It was a hard but very fun reunion.


jaime said...

That is sad you had to sell the house. My family used to have a cabin and when they sold it, I bawled! It is hard to say goodbye to parts of your childhood!

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. The good thing is you will always have the good memories of Torrey.

Johnson said...

Wow, it sounds like you have a good time. We will go through that soon with Greg's family and it will be a sad day when our vacations stop up to Grace Idaho!! It will never be quite the same!

Glad you guys had so much fun!!

The Warner Family said...

Atleast you all have great memories of the little house. That deer thing was weird. It kind of made me nervous. One jumped up on my shoulders once. It totally freaked me out! It looks nice out there. I would have to say much better than "God's Country".