Friday, September 12, 2008

Camrie quips

So lately my youngest has thrown me for a loop a few times. After reading this you might question my parenting skills but with some kids (meaning Camrie) you just NEVER know what is going to come out of their mouths:

Camrie was laying on couch and Kaycee came over and jokingly laid on top of her and started tickling her. Camrie laughed and played along for a second then all of the sudden looked surprised and with big eye's said " have boobies!" Nice hu?

The other night she was asking me a bunch of questions and I was kind of half listening. She said "so where is that place that has a stage where you take off all your that" ummmmm....I was absolutely shocked because I have NO idea where she would learn about something like that. Certainly not on PBS which is pretty much the only thing she watches. Jason and I are starting to really worry about this little one of ours.

Yesterday I was getting her ready for school. I had a cute little black tunic shirt for her to wear and she wanted her hair in a ponytail so I topped it off with a black ribbon. She also had black sandals on. She looks at herself in the mirror and goes "Geez I guess I'm turning Gothic" What the...I didn't even know she knew what Gothic was.

I'm quite sad that the innocence of a 5 year old is a bit lost on her. Any ideas on how to get it back?


jaime said...

lol that is so funny! I am blaming it all on school it couldn't come from parenting skills. Mason's new thing is saying EVERYTHING is lame. It is driving me cazy!

Nicki said...

Holy Crap! That is too funny! It's times like this when you want to keep them home, so you know everything their being taught. It's hard to adjust to them learning things at school that we then have to correct

The Warner Family said...

Has my eight year old been hanging out with your five year old. It sounds just like her!

Suzette said...

Paige I totally hear you. I've always felt once you send your kids to school you rip away their innocence. Trevor came home the 2nd day of school saying the "f" word. When I talked to the teacher about it she said that one of his class mates (in Kindergarten) yelled at the teacher and told her to "f" off. Nice huh. I wish we could keep them in a bubble and protect them from this scary world.

Loni said...

Oh my heck! I love it! She must pick-up on every detail, that may pass her during the day. (not that it came from you) I think they learn it everywhere, and there really is no stopping it! You'll always have something to blog about living with her!

The Claysons said...

HILLARIOUS! Little Camrie isn't missing a thing, is she?

The Claysons said...

HILLARIOUS! Little Camrie isn't missing a thing, is she?

Johnson said...

It's actually quite scary the things they learn outside of the house. If it makes you feel better I asked my dad if he was gay when I was like 4 and so he decided to ask me if I knew what that meant and sure enough I gave him the full explanation of what "gay" really is. He was shocked....needless to say..I think I turned out PERFECT!!!!