Thursday, June 5, 2008

More Camrie crack-ups

This pix of Camrie makes me laugh because it's so accurate. A few weeks ago we played croquet for Family Home Evening and she was upset because she wanted to win and didn't understand why we weren't letting her win.
So tonight after her bath I decided to take a look inside her ears with my head-lamp for wax build-up. I have a long handled spoon-looking thing to get the wax out with. I am always very careful and in fact the girls love it when I do this (so does Jason) because they say it feels really good. I have them lay their heads on my lap and my arms go around them. Tonight as I was finishing up doing Camrie's ears she said "that feels so good, just like a cow hugging me"
WOW, thanks kid, my confidence needed that huge boost


Becky said...

how funny! cute picture. :)

Aldred Family said...

Kids always have those great self esteem boosters don't they... Alissa was in my room the other day as I was getting dressed and asked me how on earth my bum got that big! I was like well.. it just grew ..
Cute post... thanks for the laugh!

John and Diana said...

Kids say the darndest things!!! She is so cute and funny!

Kandace Smith said...

Hi Paige. Thanks for stopping by our blog. I think these things are so great you can come into contact w/ so many people. That picture is hilarious too :) Good to see you are doing good. Derek

jaime said...

ha ha that is funny! Don't you love the stuff they come up with.

Nicki said...

That is so funny! Unfortunatley,thinking before they speak, doesn't always work for kids, too bad. We love their comment any ways.

Johnson said...

I think I just peed my pants. Wasn't expecting that one. Last week when I was excersising, my little Alex said, "Mom why is your tummy so fat?" I couldn't say anything but, "you are right..mommy's tummy is fat." Later that night he said, "Mom, sorry I said your tummy is fat...I mean sorry I said it is so SO SO fat!!!" Gee thanks a lot kid!!!

Loni said...

Don't you just love children! You just have to laugh off what they say most of the time. Your girls are so cute!

Darla said...

Thanks...that gave me a good laugh. can be pretty funny. I'm glad you are writing it down so you can laugh about it later too.
Love ya,