Monday, May 26, 2008

Camrie Crack-ups

I just had to share this cause it made Jason and I laugh. Last night for Sunday dinner we were eating Roast Beef. Camrie isn't much of a meat eater so it surprised me when she finished all the roast beef on her plate.

Camrie: "Can I have more chicken?"

Mommy: "No because it's not chicken, it's roast beef, but yes you can have more"

Camire: "Well... I just call it pork"

Okay so maybe it's not as funny reading it but Jason and I got a kick out of it.


Aldred Family said...

I love this girl! Seriously! you need to bring her around more, she says the cutest things!

John and Diana said...

She is so funny!! How entertaining they are for us parents huh?! Is it walking weather yet?

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

That is funny. I have to tell Lexi that all white meat is chicken so she will eat it. She has become so picky lately.

Darla said...

That Camrie has such a spunky personality! Thanks for sharing the funny things your kids say and do. It gives me a good chuckle...