Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I have a new name!

Jason has given me the new name of....."Hamster whisperer" because I was able to bring Nibbles (Haley's hamster) back from certain death yesterday. I am still amazed at how everything worked out but somehow it did. I figured poor Nibbles was a goner but after the girls left for school I went in and picked her up and put a small droplet of Karo syrup on her mouth. Her little lips started to move and her tongue started licking...so I put on another drop. Amazingly that seemed to perk her up just a bit but she started shaking. I kept her in my hands and warmed her up. She didn't seem to have any balance and kept falling to her side. I gave her a cheerio and she ate it...slowly. I kept rubbing her to keep her warm and after a few more minutes she perked up a little bit more so I fed her another cheerio and a few seeds. She ate them as well. I kept it up for a while longer and when I could tell she was feeling better I put her in her cage to sleep some more. I called the vet to report her progress and after listening to me, the vet tech said "well I think your hamster is hypoglycemic." WHAT THE... I didn't even know an animal could be hypoglycemic. I already knew what that means because I am hypoglycemic and so is Kaycee. It basically means that if you go to long without food your blood sugar drops way to low and you shake, get disoriented and pass out. Yep sounds about like what Nibbles had experienced. I couldn't believe it...still cant. When Haley got home she was ecstatic to find Nibbles improved and when I told her what the problem is, Kaycee burst out laughing and said "Just like me!!" So now we have a hypoglycemic hamster. Who would have guess. LOL
On Monday evening for F.H.E. we went to a pet store in Orem to get Kaycee a new hamster but when she saw that the selection was pretty pitiful she decided instead to get...a rat. Jason was quite skeptical but I was all for it. My siblings wont be a bit surprised seeing as how I had rats when I was growing up. Kaycee's rat is an albino one and sooo cute. She named it Zoey and she has been playing with it non-stop. She still talks about Cheeto and misses her but I think Zoey will really help her get over it much quicker. So as of today we have a dog, a cat, 9 fish, an albino rat and...a hypoglycemic hamster. Quite the farm family hu?


Shannon said...

That is the craziest thing I have ever heard. You should put an ad in the paper. Sad thing is, you would probably make a killing.

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

I can always count on your blog for a good laugh...and a good cry. I'm so glad that Haley's hamster didn't die. I think having a pet rat would be fun. The important thing is that Kaycee seems thrilled with her new pet. What cuties. Poor Jason is going to have a hard time when your girls hit dating years.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

LOL! What a great story. The drama and suspense- and a happy ending. (=

Aldred Family said...

Hamster whisperer....apparently, VERY appropriate!! Holy cow, go you!! I'm so glad that Nibbles pulled through!! Who would have thought that a hamster could be hypoglycemic! It's awesome that Kaycee has a new pet, it looks cute.... I never thought I would say that about a rat!!

Clay and Donna Chesnut said...

Love the rat, Kaycee, you look so happy and cute (as always). WOW, you will have to be the new hamster fixer-upper. Life with pets can be the ultimate experience. Sure do love all of you, you are the BEST!!!

Darla said...

Hey Hamster Whisperer! We loved reading your story and looking at your blog. You've done a great job on the blog. I need to take lessons from you! Wow...a Rat? I guess that doesn't surprise me. Ian is looking forward to meeting Kaycee's new rat. Keep those animals alive!
See you soon!
Love you, Darla and family