Friday, December 21, 2007

I need to brag a bit about my sweet girl. a few years ago Camrie fell and chipped the top of her front tooth up at the gum line. Because of the chip, it was open to food and a cavity began. It was to the point that the dentist was concerned but he was not willing to fix it with a filling because he said it would not have stayed but would have fallen out. We decided that since she would have been losing that tooth within the next few years anyway, we might as well pull it now. However she also had a cavity in her molars that did need a filling. At first we had decided to have her put under while he fixed the cavity and pulled the tooth because it would have been a lot less traumatic for her. However our insurance was not so cooperative and it would have cost us a pretty penny to do that. So she went in thinking she would get to go to sleep and when she woke up it would be all done. She is terrified of shots (as is any normal kid). When she sat in the chair, they used the Nitrous (laughing gas) on her so that she would be relaxed. Then they put a gel on her gums for a few minutes to help numb it for the shot. When the Dr. came in to do the shots, I just held her little hand expecting her to cry and thrash around. That darn Dr. was none to gentle with the needle but my little trooper held up so great. She tensed up a bit and I could see the tears welling up her little eyes but she never even made a peep. The Dr. and the nurse were absolutely amazed at her, as was I. Then they had to put a thing in her mouth to keep the jaws open while they worked and then put a device called a "raincoat" which looked soooo uncomfortable on her. I could tell she was having a hard time but again never made so much as a sound. The horrible part is that after the Dr. got in there he discovered that the cavity in her tooth had reached the nerve so he had to do a baby root canal. It took an hour to do and Camrie patiently toughed it out. She was making a few gagging noises and I was worried that the gas was making her sick and going to throw up, but the nurse pulled aside the raincoat and noticed that her mouth was full of water that missed getting suctioned out. Camrie had not cried or complained at all. By the time they were done with everything, she had been in the chair for 3 hours and again she NEVER even cried or complained a bit. How many 4 yr olds do you think could do something like that. I was so very proud of my sweetheart. Now with her tooth gone she has the cutest little smile. She can be a bullheaded little stinker sometimes but then she crawls up into my lap and kisses my cheek and whispers "I love you Mommy" and I just think I'm the luckiest mom in the world. I sure love that tough little kid.


Matt and Valerie said...

What a darling little smile. And I am very impressed that she could be in the chair all that time without complaining at all. I don't even know if I could do that. :-) I hope you guys have a very happy new year. We sure love ya!