Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ORDINARY life,

Love gives us a FAIRYTALE!!!

When I was a senior in high school I came home for lunch one day and found a letter for me from someone by the name of "Elder Chesnut". I had no idea who this was, but it was not an uncommon thing at the time. My friend had left on a mission about 6 months before and was having quite a few different companions write letters to me. I have never professed to be a good letter writer and so I didn't write back to any of them (including this Elder Chesnut in KY, Yes I know how bratty that sounds but...whatever). After reading the letter I realized that Elder Chesnut was not connected to my friend at all. His friend (who was on a mission in AZ at the time) had been writing back and forth with my older sister. She had sent a picture of her and I to this Elder, who had then sent that picture to Elder Chesnut with a note that said "This is the girl I am writing to and this is her little sister Paige. You should write to her" I thought that this was pretty neat, but again...not a good letter writer.

Jump ahead about a year and a half, I was living in Provo going to school and working at the same Chinese restaurant as my sister. One day while she was working (and I wasn't) in comes 2 guys she has never met. One of them was the guy she had been writing to (they had a mutual friend who had set them up to write) and the other was his friend Jason. After talking to them for a while she invites them to come to her house that night for a birthday party for her roommate. Then she calls my mom and says "I just met the guy that Paige is going to marry" My mom said "Well why don't YOU marry him" LOL!

So I went to Michelle's house that night but I was in a bad mood. I don't really remember why. When Jason and Mike showed up, I came out to meet them, then went back in the bedroom. So at this point Jason was thinking that I was quite the brat. After almost everyone had left I came out and Jason and Mike were still there. We started talking and his great sense of humor had me laughing in no time. From that moment on we talked every day. We hung out as friends for a while and started dating after about a month. We dated for 4 months before we got engaged, and then on September 30 1994 we were married for time and all eternity in the Manti temple.

I cant imagine how empty my life would have been without my best friend who makes me laugh on a regular basis and is the very best husband in the world. Every year honestly just gets better and better. He is the absolute best father. His girls adore him and his wife thinks he's dang HOT!!!

Thank you for 14 WONDERFUL years sweetie. I love you soooo much.


Becky said...

How cute is that!!! :)

jaime said...


Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

Happy Anniversary! You two make the cutest couple. I love that picture of you together. Couples should always look that happy!

Loni said...

What a great how we met story! Happy Anniversary! You two make such a cute couple!

Shannon said...

That's such a funny story. Congratulations on 14 years.

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

Seriously, do you take a bad picture? You are so beautiful!

Michelle and Nick said...

Wow, that Michelle sure sounds cool.

Aldred Family said...

Happy Anniversary!! I never knew that's how you two met! What a fun story!! Hope you had a great day!

John and Diana said...

Awww. That made me cry! You guys are the greatest! We love you. Congrats! You are catching up to John and I!! How is that possible?

Shantelle said...

I loved this story. Thanks for sharing. Very cute. I love your family/couple pictures. What a great looking fam!