Thursday, April 3, 2008


I know...that I married my perfect other half

I believe...that I will be with my family forever

I am angered...when I feel taken advantage of

I love...crisp fall days with classical music playing and chili cooking in my kitchen

I need...more sleep

I take...a bath when I need to de-stress

I hear...giggling in my girls room when I want them to be sleeping

I drink...milk anytime I eat a tomato-based food like spaghetti or pizza

I hate...owls. I think if the devil had a body, it would look like an owl

I use...chapstick and lotion like they're going out of style

I have a food storage supply like my parents'

I like...playing volleyball with Jason

I I learned a lot about trials and faith last year

I wear...perfume or smelly lotion to bed every night. I love to smell good.

I left...a candle burning in my bathroom to long and now have an ugly burn spot on my counter

I journal entry on Sunday afternoons.

I girls never question my love for them

I dream...about movies that I have recently watched. I'm usually an observer, not a participant.

I drive... a piece of *$%# van right now but hopefully that will change soon.

I Dr. Laura when I am in my car in the afternoons.

I type...about the same speed as when I was in high school.

I think...that my kids are the cutest and best in the world.

I wish...that I had stuck with piano lessons and not quit.

I am...convinced I had the best childhood of anyone I know

I regret...that I didn't take college more seriously

I care...about political issues much more then I used to.

I said...that I would never get as busy and stressed as my mom...ha ha pretty funny

I wonder...what technology will be like when my girls are grown

I cry...whenever I try to explain to my girls how special they are to Heavenly Father and Jesus

I train of thought constantly

I leave...hairbands in my kitchen so that I can pull my hair up when cooking.

I should...not focus on what others think of me and instead concentrate on thinking of others

Thanks to my friend Shantelle for giving me this idea. It was fun. Give it a try


Anonymous said...

warmly, Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Suzette said...

Paige I love your new backgound. I'm stuck with the same old one because it keeps deleting all my info. Where are you getting your backgrounds?
I love your last I. This too is something that I spend way to much time on!!!

Lindsey said...

I have to agree with Suzette, where did you get your cute new background? I am so sick of the one I'm using and really need a change. I like the Pyzam ones, but they create too much work in fixing everything that gets deleted and Maddie Kaye hasn't added anything new in a while.

Chalise said...

Hey Paige, tI enjoyed reading this. It reminded me of a part from "Tears" Do you remember that part.

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

Love the new header! Your girls are so cute.

Aldred Family said...

Great post! It was fun to read!! I am LOVING the new background and header?? How do you figure this stuff out?!?