Thursday, November 29, 2007

My first posting

I have considered myself computer challanged for quite some time now so my learning curve might be considerable. I think this is a fun way to keep up with family and friends both old and new. It will probably be me that does most of the posting but Jason may throw a few in there for good measure. He might even throw in some hunting pictures just for my sisters benefit :-) So my life is pretty busy at this time and I remember when I was younger watching my mom constantly go from one thing to another. I recall thinking I would never be that busy when I grew up. Can you guess why I find that so humerous now. My girls range in age from 11 to 4 so that means I will have a teenager in the house in a little over a year. Another 5 years from now our life should be nice and hormonal. The nice part though is that I now have a built in babysitter. yea! I took advantage of that tonight while I went out to a dinner/ornament exchange with some friends.


Michelle and Nick said...

Glad to see you got a message and a picture posted all by yourself. Tell Jason to keep the pictures of carnage to himself. Thanks again for your help today--it made it much easier!

Matt and Valerie said...

Wow - I am so impressed! A blog?!? You really are advancing in your computer knowledge. :-) Thanks for letting me know the site, I look forward to reading your updates. Sure love ya!

Anonymous said...

Okay that you've jumped into blog life, I may have to try it too. It's a nice way to keep in touch, in addition to our family website.
Maybe when I have a little time this month (ha ha ha) I'll try setting up a blog too. What a word...BLOG!!! You've got a great start. Looks good.
Love ya,